"Not only does this chap write some of the most important songs of the 20th and 21st centuries ... but he, unsurprisingly, talks total sense on the EU issue..."
Bob Naylor- facebook
Bob Naylor- facebook
Thanks for sending "The Killing of Michael Brown" Jack. I used it as the Video of the Week on the front page of the Sing Out! site. -Editor, Sing Out!, Dec 2014
“Thank you jack. your song (No Time for Love) has given me the will to live on...you have saved my life many times”
- anon, Youtube (Feb 21, 2013)
“Awesome! (San Jose Mine)” - anon, Youtube “I honestly have trouble getting through it"
I can't help istening to it (Vanzetti’s Letter) without a tear” - anon, Youtube
“It (No time for Love) blows me away everytime I hear it” - Dale, Youtube
“Jack Warshaw’s Chile Song (We Will Fight) was one of the best known ANC songs during the South African struggle. ” - -Barry Gilder, former SA Director of Intelligence, Songs and Secrets “
Jack Warshaw's 'No Time For Love' is one of the best protest songs of the last 30 years, a powerfully in depth look at how the forces of law and order work. ” - John O'Regan, Rock 'n' Reel
"This song (No Time for Love) will live forever" - The Canalmainia, Youtube (Dec 15, 2011)
"...makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up..." - Ireland Folk Music, Youtube
"Very touched by your song, beautiful lyrics." (San Jose Mine) - Jorge, Youtube
I saw most of your set in the Pilot Boat, and I have to say that hearing you sing "No Time For Love" in there had the hairs on my neck standing up. It was the highlight of my weekend. Jeremy Hayes, organiser, Lymefolk Weekend 2015